God Healed My Right Knee

I’ve never had problems with my knee before. I suffered with excruciating pain whenever I walked for about 2 weeks. I finally called to make an appointment with my doctor, but they couldn’t get me in for a week. So, I made the appointment, and my husband bought me a knee brace and a cane. On Sunday, July 16, 2023, I considered not going to church because it hurt so bad, and I didn’t want to use the brace and cane at church. But I went. During prayer time I stood in the aisle and several ladies laid hands on me and prayed. There was no instantaneous healing, but I totally believed He heard their prayers and would heal my knee. It continued to hurt the rest of the day. But when I woke up the next morning, I had NO PAIN!! Here I am almost a month later and still no pain!! I can walk, run, and jump without pain.

God changed my life physically and spiritually. This healing has reignited my faith. I know He healed my knee. I believed He would, and He didn’t disappoint. My relationship with God has gone deeper.

Others can experience a similar miracle by truly believing and praying for a miracle. And expecting it. No doubting! I tend to hold back when it comes to praying for myself. It feels selfish. But I learned from this miracle that God wants us to pray for ourselves and ask others to pray for us. It’s not selfish. It’s obedience. And it was a powerful lesson.

L.H. – Madill, OK